Choose Chiropractic Care In Tucker First

Nov 17, 2016

Traditional approaches to health and wellness have become focused on providing solutions that mask symptoms, opposed to treating the root condition.

The Chiropractors at AICA Tucker are set out to change this philosophy and need your help!

At AICA Tucker, we provide treatment solutions that are non-invasive and do not contain side effects that are often found in prescription drugs.

Our approach to health and wellness sees us focus on pain relief, while also addressing the root cause of a particular condition.

It’s because of these reasons that we are able to effectively treat so many different conditions including:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Depression

Chiropractic and Conservative Care

Chiropractic is considered to be conservative care because of its cautious and moderate approach to treating various health conditions.

Unfortunately, many patients are recommended to follow through with aggressive treatment procedures that are costly and dangerous. Most traditional approaches for treating back pain require some type of injection, prescription drugs, or spinal surgery; all of which are not guaranteed to correct the problem or prevent future issues from occurring.

Chiropractic is one of the best models for conservative care because it is a holistic, safe, and non-invasive alternative approach to diagnosis and pain relief. Chiropractors use gentle spinal manipulation techniques and other rehabilitating

How Chiropractic Care Serves as Conservative Treatment

Chiropractic is considered to be one of the most appropriate models of conservative care because it is completely safe, void of any type of drug, non-invasive, and holistic.

The Chiropractors at AICA Tucker employ a variety of gentle spinal manipulation techniques and therapeutic activities that help relieve pain. Our Chiropractors also offer specific recommendations and controlled regiments that support nutrition, ergonomics, and overall wellness.

All licensed Chiropractors have accumulated over 4,200 hours of accredited programs, making them extremely knowledgeable over a plethora of health issues that affect the respiratory, circulatory, and musculoskeletal systems.

Is Conservative Care Right For You?

Conservative health care is not able to treat every type of health issue, but it should still be considered as a primary means for addressing a variety of common conditions.

Chiropractic care is considered throughout the world to be one of the most effective forms of treatment when it comes to chronic pain and stress management. If you suffer from common conditions like back or neck pain, a Chiropractor can offer a number of controlled adjustments that provide immediate relief.

If you belong to a particular demographic that has its own unique health considerations, such as women, Chiropractic is also effective for:

  • Addressing dysphoria (menstrual pain)
  • Treating Endometriosis
  • Reducing labor and delivery time
  • Eliminating tension headaches

If you are interested in learning more about Chiropractic care to see if it makes sense for your needs, schedule a consultation right away.

We are available 24/7 and can be contacted through our online submission form or by calling our Tucker office at 404-592-1186.


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