Chiropractor Lower Back Pain

Chiropractor Lower Back PainDid you know that lower back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor each year? Lower back pain affects many people because of how much we rely on our back and spine to support and carry our weight. You may not realize just how important your lower back is to everyday movements and participating in activities you enjoy until you start to experience pain. Sudden lower back pain can negatively impact your ability to live life to the fullest by limiting your movements and keeping you from going to work or doing things you enjoy. Chronic lower back pain can come on slowly and can bother you from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. Because lower back pain is so common, it’s important to find a chiropractor you trust to help you. Visit a chiropractor for lower back pain to experience all-natural and noninvasive approaches to treating and relieving your pain.

Acute vs. Chronic Pain

Acute lower back pain comes on suddenly, typically as a result of an injury. You might experience sudden back pain after a car accident. The force of impact can put a lot of pressure on your body, causing your muscles to strain and misalignments in your spine. A spinal infection could also cause acute lower back pain that requires medical intervention. Acute lower back pain may come and go, or it may last for days at a time. On the other hand, chronic pain in your lower back can last for 3 months or more. Chronic lower back pain will continue to bother you day and night. You might experience dull, throbbing pain or sharp, stabbing pains in your lower back. Certain movements or activities can make lower back pain worse. Talk to your Tucker back pain chiropractor if you are experiencing lower back pain and find out what is causing your pain and other symptoms.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Common Causes of Lower Back PainThe lower portion of your spine is called the lumbar spine. Five vertebrae make up your lumbar spine, and they are surrounded by supportive soft tissues, including muscles and ligaments. In between each vertebra are spinal discs that help provide cushion and shock absorption for everyday movements and pressure on the body. Here are examples of common causes of lower back pain and how they can impact various structures in and around your lumbar spine.

Poor Posture

Poor posture is a common cause of lower back pain. When you sit or stand for long periods of time in an unsupportive posture, it can cause muscles that support your spine to strain and weaken. Your lower back has a slight natural curve to it. However, if you exaggerate the curve, it can cause abdominal muscles to strain and lower back muscles to weaken, causing pain and discomfort. Your spine carries the weight of your body, and a lot of pressure gets put on your lower back, especially when you are sitting or sleeping. Poor sleeping posture can also contribute to lower back pain.

Muscle Strains

The muscles that support your lower back help support the spine and allow you to bend, twist, and move your lower back and hips. Sudden or prolonged muscle strain in the lower back can lead to lower back pain. You could strain lower back muscles in a sudden slip and fall accident or car accident. You may also strain your lower back by lifting something heavy with poor posture. Even a sudden wrong movement can cause a muscle cramp or strain muscles, leading to lower back pain. Muscle strains can also occur from prolonged wear and tear on the lower back. Repeated exercises or activities that put a lot of stress on the lower back can cause muscles to weaken or even tear. Muscle strains in the lower back can make certain movements more painful and reduce your range of motion in the area.

Spine Injuries

The vertebrae that make up your spine are strong bones that are designed to withstand a lot of pressure while supporting your body. However, even the bones that make up your spine can suffer a break. A broken bone, also known as a fracture, can occur after a hard fall or a sudden blow to the spine. When too much pressure is placed on the vertebrae, it can lead to a fracture. A spinal fracture is also more likely to occur if you have an existing issue, like osteoarthritis. This type of arthritis can make your bones more brittle and susceptible to injury.

Disc Injuries

The spinal discs that separate the vertebrae in your spine can also become injured or damaged. A common example of a spinal disc injury that can cause you pain is a herniated disc. You may suffer a herniated disc due to chronic poor posture and misalignments in the spine or from a sudden injury in a car accident or while playing sports. A herniated disc occurs when the tough outer shell of the spinal disc tears and its soft, gel-like center oozes out. The nucleus of the herniated disc can put pressure on nearby nerves in the spinal column, causing pain, tingling, and numbness. A herniated disc in the lower back can also lead to these uncomfortable symptoms extending into the lower half of the body.


Sciatica refers to a specific type of back pain that occurs in the lower back. The sciatic nerve sits at the base of the spine and helps control leg movement and feeling in your leg. Irritation or damage to this nerve can cause painful symptoms that occur in your lower back and extend into the lower half of your body. When the sciatic nerve is aggravated, you may experience sciatica, which is a type of pain that runs through your hip, buttock, and into the leg and foot. This can feel like moderate to severe pain, with a sharp or burning sensation. You may also experience tingling, numbness, and weakness with sciatica.

Visit a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain

Visit your Tucker chiropractor for natural and effective solutions for managing and relieving lower back pain for good. Your chiropractor will use a variety of techniques to address your specific pain and the cause of your symptoms. Here are examples of how a chiropractor can help you with lower back pain.

Lower Back Adjustments

Chiropractors utilize a technique called spinal adjustments or spinal manipulation to help reduce pain and improve functioning. Lower back adjustments involve gentle and targeted force applied to a specific area, which helps restore alignment in your spine. It is quite possible that the vertebrae in your lower back have become misaligned due to poor posture, a recent injury, or other health conditions. Lower back adjustments are a safe and effective way to resolve misalignments in the spine and improve healthy functioning. When your spine is properly aligned, your brain is able to communicate effectively through the central nervous system that runs through the spinal column. Chiropractic adjustments to the lower back can also help reduce symptoms like tingling and numbness by relieving pressure on nearby nerves.

Soft Tissue Mobilization

Chiropractors use a technique called soft tissue mobilization to help stretch and mobilize injured muscles and joints. Soft tissue mobilization is another hands-on technique that helps break down adhesions in your muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissues. Your chiropractor may also use soft tissue mobilization to promote an increased range of motion in your lower back. Applying this technique to the muscles around the lumbar spine involves rhythmic stretching and deep pressure to help fix soft tissue damage in the lower back.

Strengthening Exercises

Stretching and exercising can also help you improve the strength in your lower back. Whether your lower back pain is caused by a recent injury or poor posture, strengthening the muscles that support your lower back can help relieve pain. When your lower back muscles are strong and able to support your lumbar spine, you will experience less pain and other symptoms. An injury can weaken muscles and other soft tissues, so your chiropractor can walk you through strengthening exercises that target lower back pain.

Supplemental Care

Your chiropractor may also recommend additional remedies you can do at home and in between treatments. Applying ice or a cold compress to your lower back can help reduce inflammation and swelling in your lower back. A warm compress or heating pad can help soothe aching muscles and reduce tension in your lower back. Chiropractors also take a holistic approach to addressing your symptoms, so they may talk to you about ways to improve your posture, diet, and exercise to help support your overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain

Chiropractors are well-known for treating a wide range of injuries and issues with the spine. However, you may be surprised to learn that chiropractic care includes numerous benefits for the whole musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic treatment can address your spine, joints, bones, nerves, muscles, and other soft tissues. When you visit a low back pain chiropractor, you will receive an individualized treatment plan with hands-on and all-natural approaches to your care. Here are some of the main benefits of chiropractic care for lower back pain you can expect with your Tucker chiropractor.

Manage Pain

Back and neck pain are so common, whether you are dealing with a recent injury or experiencing discomfort because of poor posture. A chiropractor can help you manage and relieve lower back pain by using hands-on techniques to realign your spine and ease tension in your back muscles. Instead of taking medications that merely mask your pain and other symptoms, a chiropractor will address the root cause of your pain so you can experience long-lasting relief.

Reduce Inflammation

Whenever you suffer an injury or get an infection, your body will respond with inflammation. This can cause redness, swelling, and pain where the inflammation develops, which can restrict movement and reduce your range of motion. A chiropractor will use chiropractic adjustments and other techniques to help reduce inflammation or prevent a severe inflammatory response. Promoting healthy functioning in the body helps to reduce inflammation. Chiropractors use techniques to restore healthy functioning, like chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue mobilization.

Improve Posture

Chiropractic care also involves improving your posture to better support your spine, joints, and nervous system. A chiropractor will work with you to improve your posture with techniques like spinal adjustments and strengthening exercises for your muscles and tendons. Improving your posture is about more than just making yourself sit up straight. Poor posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping can all impact whether you experience lower back pain. Learn how to recognize the signs of poor posture and manage weakness and tension in your soft tissues. Your Tucker chiropractor will teach you how to increase strength in your lower back and reduce tension with effective relaxation techniques and stretches.

Increase Mobility

The source of your lower back pain may also be restricting your movements. A chiropractor can work with you to increase mobility in your lower back through a combination of techniques like chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation exercises. Stiff, sore muscles can prevent you from turning, twisting, or bending your lower back without making the pain worse. Stretches and exercises will not only improve your strength; they can also help you gain flexibility and improve your range of motion. When your spine is properly aligned, the muscles and tendons that support your spine will be able to do their job more effectively. Reducing tension and increasing strength and flexibility will help you carry yourself better and reduce your lower back pain.

Visit AICA Orthopedics in Tucker for quality chiropractic care for lower back pain. Our team of chiropractors offers comprehensive services to address the root cause of your pain and reduce your discomfort. Get started with a Tucker chiropractor today and experience first-hand how you can get lasting relief from lower back pain at AICA Orthopedics.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain

Visit a Chiropractor for Lower Back PainChiropractors are well-known for treating a wide range of injuries and issues with the spine. However, you may be surprised to learn that chiropractic care includes numerous benefits for the whole musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic treatment can address your spine, joints, bones, nerves, muscles, and other soft tissues. When you visit a low back pain chiropractor, you will receive an individualized treatment plan with hands-on and all-natural approaches to your care. Here are some of the main benefits of chiropractic care for lower back pain you can expect with your Tucker chiropractor.

Manage Pain

Back and neck pain are so common, whether you are dealing with a recent injury or experiencing discomfort because of poor posture. A chiropractor can help you manage and relieve lower back pain by using hands-on techniques to realign your spine and ease tension in your back muscles. Instead of taking medications that merely mask your pain and other symptoms, a chiropractor will address the root cause of your pain so you can experience long-lasting relief.

Reduce Inflammation

Whenever you suffer an injury or get an infection, your body will respond with inflammation. This can cause redness, swelling, and pain where the inflammation develops, which can restrict movement and reduce your range of motion. A chiropractor will use chiropractic adjustments and other techniques to help reduce inflammation or prevent a severe inflammatory response. Promoting healthy functioning in the body helps to reduce inflammation. Chiropractors use techniques to restore healthy functioning, like chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue mobilization.

Improve Posture

Chiropractic care also involves improving your posture to better support your spine, joints, and nervous system. A chiropractor will work with you to improve your posture with techniques like spinal adjustments and strengthening exercises for your muscles and tendons. Improving your posture is about more than just making yourself sit up straight. Poor posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping can all impact whether you experience lower back pain. Learn how to recognize the signs of poor posture and manage weakness and tension in your soft tissues. Your Tucker chiropractor will teach you how to increase strength in your lower back and reduce tension with effective relaxation techniques and stretches.

Increase Mobility

The source of your lower back pain may also be restricting your movements. A chiropractor can work with you to increase mobility in your lower back through a combination of techniques like chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation exercises. Stiff, sore muscles can prevent you from turning, twisting, or bending your lower back without making the pain worse. Stretches and exercises will not only improve your strength; they can also help you gain flexibility and improve your range of motion. When your spine is properly aligned, the muscles and tendons that support your spine will be able to do their job more effectively. Reducing tension and increasing strength and flexibility will help you carry yourself better and reduce your lower back pain.

Visit AICA Orthopedics in Tucker for quality chiropractic care for lower back pain. Our team of chiropractors offers comprehensive services to address the root cause of your pain and reduce your discomfort. Get started with a Tucker chiropractor today and experience first-hand how you can get lasting relief from lower back pain at AICA Orthopedics.