5 Most Common Summer Injuries

Aug 8, 2016

5 Most Common Summer InjuriesSummer is a season of rest, but it is also one of the most likely times for injuries.

By learning about some of the most common summer injuries, you can take the steps you need to prevent them and to stay safe this summer.

Slips and Falls

Slips and falls represent a major cause of accidental injury.

In the summer, many people enjoy spending time outdoors, and hiking is a popular summertime recreational activity.

When walking on unfamiliar and uneven terrain, you should be careful to wear appropriate shoes in order to minimize the likelihood of slip and fall injuries.

Back Pain

It seems that during the summer months the yard work we have to complete at our homes is endless.

Gardening, mowing the lawn, picking up sticks, and raking can all cause significant strain on the lower back.

These activities can also lead to persistent back pain.


Many families make travel plans over the summer months, meaning that they will be spending more time in a car than usual. With more drivers on the road, the number of car crashes also increases.

Whiplash is a common car accident injury that can result in significant neck pain, and many patients turn to a chiropractor for assistance with their recovery.

Golfer’s Elbow

The beautiful summer weather brings golfers to the course.

Unfortunately, this pastime also results in an increase in medial elbow pain due to the repetitive swinging of the golf club.

This can result in small tears within the elbow’s muscular attachments, but chiropractors are skilled at assisting patients to recover from these injuries.

Wrist Strains and Sprains

When school lets out for the summer, the number of children that spend their days riding bikes with their friends rises significantly.

This rise also comes with a major increase in the number of wrist injuries that Chiropractors treat.

It is important for parents to talk about bike safety with their children in order to minimize these injuries.

Visit our Chiropractors for more information about our services.


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