Do Pinched Nerves Go Away on Their Own?

Mar 22, 2021

Do Pinched Nerves Go Away on Their OwnIf you’ve ever sat in one position for too long and your foot has “fallen asleep” then you know a little bit about what a pinched nerve feels like. This is the mildest version of a pinched nerve, where a nerve is compressed and you start to experience tingling and numbness in your foot. This type of pinched usually goes away as soon as you change positions or start moving around because the pressure is taken off your nerves. However, there are experiences with a pinched nerve that can be much more uncomfortable and affect your daily routines and activities. When you are experiencing that “pins and needles” feeling or frequently noticing a part of your body feels like it’s “falling asleep” then you should visit a chiropractor in Tucker for attention.

What a Pinched Nerve Feels Like

The most common symptoms of a pinched nerve include a tingling sensation accompanied by pain, commonly referred to as “pins and needles.” This type of pain can be dull and aching or sharp and stabbing, depending on what nerve is affected and where it is located in the body. Tingling and temporary numbness may go away on their own with milder cases of pinched nerves, but with a more moderate or severe case, they may reoccur frequently. Other symptoms of more moderate to severe pinched nerves include muscle spasms and muscle weakness. You may also develop a decreased sensation or ability to feel as much near the affected area.

What Causes a Pinched Nerve

While crossing your legs or sitting for too long are more obvious causes of a pinched nerve, there are less obvious causes. Here are four examples of what might cause a pinched nerve.


Certain injuries can cause inflammation of muscles and tendons inside the body that can lead to a pinched nerve. For example, a car accident injury to the lower back can compress the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica, a type of pain specific to this nerve and area. The sciatic nerve may become compressed by inflammation in lower back muscles or by a herniated disc that has slipped out of place and is putting pressure on the nerve.


Inflammation in the body can occur with injury, illness, and overuse. One example of inflammation that can lead to pinched nerves is arthritis. Arthritis is a type of joint pain that is caused by swelling and inflammation of the joint and its surrounding soft tissues. When inflammation occurs, it can put too much pressure on a nearby nerve, causing a pinched nerve. Another term for a pinched nerve is a compressed nerve because of how the nerve is abnormally squeezed or pressured.

Repetitive Movements

Sports, work activities, and even daily routines can require repetitive movements that may lead to a pinched nerve. When you repeat the same movements over and over again it can lead to overuse. When you overuse a certain part of the body without allowing enough time for rest in between it can cause a pinched nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of how repetitive movements like writing or typing can cause a pinched nerve in the wrist. When this occurs you may experience tenderness, numbness, and pain in your hand and wrist.

Spinal Misalignments

Misalignments in the spine can happen for all kinds of reasons, whether it be from a specific event or due to daily wear and tear. From injury to poor posture, the vertebrae in your spine can become misaligned, which can affect functioning and put undue pressure on nearby nerves. A vertebra or spinal disc that is out of place and compressing a nerve will disrupt the nerve’s ability to send appropriate signals to the rest of the body.

How to Treat a Pinched Nerve

When signs of pinched nerve appear, visit a chiropractor. When you visit your chiropractor in Tucker, you will experience a natural and non-invasive treatment approach for a pinched nerve. Your chiropractor will address the root cause of your pinched nerve pain by first identifying what is compressing the nerve. Whether it is inflammation or a slipped disc, your chiropractor can use gentle, therapeutic chiropractic techniques to remove the excessive pressure on your nerve so it can begin to function properly again. At AICA Orthopedics, we have chiropractors in Tucker who can address all types of pinched nerve causes and help you experience long-lasting relief from your pinched nerve symptoms. Call or visit us online to learn more about our chiropractors in Tucker and other locations across metro Atlanta.


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