Is It Normal to Feel Worse After Seeing a Chiropractor?

Oct 5, 2020

Is It Normal to Feel Worse After Seeing a ChiropractorGoing to the chiropractor should ultimately be something you look forward to because of how it helps relieve your pain and help you feel healthier. When meeting with a Tucker chiropractor for the first time, you may have certain expectations and even misconceptions about what happens. While the goal of chiropractic treatment is experiencing healing and promoting a healthier lifestyle, you may experience a few growing pains along the way.

Think about the first time you started a new exercise routine: when you first get started your muscles may feel sore and you might feel tired, but after a few weeks you start to feel stronger and less sore after each workout. This is a very similar experience to going to the chiropractor because this type of natural, non-invasive treatment is all about helping your body to heal itself and support itself in new and healthier ways.

Initial Consultation and Treatment

Your initial consultation with a chiropractor is the time where you can talk to your chiropractor about what brings you to their office. Some reasons you might want to see a chiropractor are for back pain after sitting at your desk all day, neck pain after a car accident, or even to help improve your posture. No matter what brings you in, your chiropractor will want to learn more about you, your medical history, and what your daily life activities are like.

An initial appointment with a chiropractor may also include a physical examination of your spine and what specific areas are giving you the most trouble. If, for example, your neck bothers you a lot after a long day at work, your chiropractor may want to see how you generally sit at your desk and how this may affect your posture and cause you pain and discomfort. The bones of your spine aren’t the only thing that can affect your neck and back. The muscles and soft tissues that support your back and help you move can also play a big role in why you might be experiencing pain.

Continued Chiropractic Care

Once your chiropractor has a good idea of what brings you in, they will talk with you about any diagnosis and what type of treatment plan is appropriate for you. Chiropractic care is highly individualized because of how intricate and important the spine is in supporting the rest of your body. Your Tucker chiropractor will discuss a variety of chiropractic techniques with you, including what are called adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments are how your chiropractor will identify any misalignments in your spine and help gently realign your spine to its proper posture.

During the first few treatment sessions with your chiropractor, it is possible to experience some discomfort afterward. This does not mean you should be in more pain than before, but rather the soreness or discomfort you might expect when trying a new physical activity. Chiropractic techniques affect your spine and your muscles, so your muscles may be sore after being massaged. Your muscles might also be sore because they are now having to do their job slightly differently now that the chiropractor has helped get your back into a better posture. Your muscles can get used to supporting unhealthy habits like carrying the extra pressure where your spine is out of alignment, and when your chiropractor intervenes it affects both the spine and its supporting muscles.

Chiropractic Maintenance

Even after your initial treatment plan is complete and you have successfully healed from a specific injury or experienced the pain relief that brought you to the chiropractor in the first place, you may still want to continue going to the chiropractor. Many people go to the chiropractor for maintenance, which is a way to help encourage your body to maintain these newer, healthier postures and habits. Trips to the chiropractor for maintenance should be a relief and not cause any additional pain because it is like reinforcing positive behaviors of your muscles and spine.

Communicating with Your Chiropractor

It is always important to talk to your chiropractor throughout the entire treatment process about how your body is responding and any soreness or additional discomfort you may feel afterward. Sharing how you feel after treatments can help your chiropractor understand how your body is responding to treatment and can also help them better treat you. You should also always feel safe and comfortable enough with your chiropractor to let them know if any feeling worries you or if you experience any additional pain. The best type of chiropractor is one who will listen to your specific needs and help you experience healing and a healthier body. Give us a call today!


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