What to Do When Your Hip Feels Out of Place

Jul 1, 2021

What to Do When Your Hip Feels Out of PlaceSometimes you may not have a specific symptom, but instead, something feels “off” in your body. People often say joints like the hip feel out of place without knowing what exactly is happening. The good news is that if a joint was actually displaced, it would require a serious injury that has likely not occurred, unless you are already on the way to the emergency room! Instead, this complaint usually means you are experiencing one-sided lower back pain or a general misalignment that can be addressed by gentle chiropractic care and physiotherapy.

Hip Alignment

Your hip is the largest joint in your body and is also one of the most complex. Two bone and socket hip joints are a part of your pelvis, and each hip bone is a large, flattened fusion of three bones: the ilium, ischium, and pubis. These pieces work together to allow for flexibility and mobility in the lower part of your body, but this can be interrupted easily by hip injuries or conditions.

While it can be hard to picture, the normal alignment of hips is critical to move without pain. In general, your pelvis should be parallel to your shoulders and the ground, and the hips should not tilt forward or backward. Each hip should be on the same level horizontally. When any of this is not aligned properly, it can cause the feeling that your hip is out of place.

The cause of this feeling is sometimes behavioral. Poor posture, sitting for long periods, or carrying something heavy improperly can all lead to hip misalignments and the out-of-place feeling. Repetitive movements like running, poor shoe support, and crossing your legs are also common culprits.

Where behavior is not the cause, a doctor may look for underlying causes such as a dislocation, pinched nerve, strain or tear, arthritis, or muscle imbalances.

Examining Hip Pain

When you present with hip pain or misalignment, a chiropractor will want to perform a full physical examination. Not only will this help them understand the potential cause of your pain, but it can also allow them to rule out certain conditions that may be more serious than a simple misalignment.

In addition to describing your symptoms and health history, a chiropractor will feel your spine and hips to understand their alignment. They may also use diagnostic imaging, like x-rays, to look for visible misalignments.

Treating Hip Misalignments

It can be tempting to try and crack your hip or “pop” it back into place in order to feel better. While this can be done safely, it is best to consult an orthopedic doctor or chiropractor first. If there is a serious underlying condition, this can worsen the pain or cause permanent damage. This is best tried if your hip feels out of place but is not causing you pain, and there is no possibility of injury.

The best course of action when your hip feels misaligned is to visit a chiropractor or orthopedic specialist. They can then recommend treatment based on their examination of your hips and spine.

Addressing your hip pain can be done in a variety of different ways, depending on the suspected cause. You will usually start with chiropractic care, including manual adjustments, designed to realign the spine and hips. This is commonly paired with physiotherapy, a series of exercises that help strengthen the surrounding muscles and facilitate proper movement in the body.

If behavioral factors are contributing to your hip pain, you may also need to work on changing your lifestyle. This can include weight loss or simply improving your posture. Physiotherapy may also include techniques to help you change these habits over time.

Physiotherapy in Tucker

Whether your hip feels out of place, painful, or you suspect you might have suffered an injury, AICA Tucker can help. Our team of specialists ranges from chiropractors to physiotherapists to pain management specialists in order to treat your symptoms holistically. When you come in for your first consultation, you will be able to have a full examination onsite, including any diagnostic imaging. A customized treatment plan will then be developed based on our findings, including all the necessary members of your treatment team.

The physiotherapy team at AICA Tucker is dedicated to facilitating your body’s ability to heal itself through a combination of techniques, as well as giving you the tools to continue healing at home. For hip and spine care, contact us today!


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