How Chiropractic Care Can Prevent Heart Disease For Women In Tucker, GA

Dec 17, 2015

If you are familiar with the popular expression, “My heart is killing me,” you might think about it differently if you knew just how common the reality of this statement is for millions of people.

Heart Disease Statistics

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the following statistics help illustrate the type of reach and severity heart disease has throughout the world.

  • 25% of all deaths within the United States are caused by heart disease.
  • Someone in the U.S. dies from heart disease each and every minute, killing over 600,000 Americans each year.
  • Someone within the U.S. suffers from a heart attack every 34 seconds, which comes to be around 715,000 heart attacks per year.

How Heart Disease Affects Women

Though this disease affects both genders and every ethnicity, women especially need to be considerate of their lifestyle and how they manage their heart’s health.

When it comes to heart disease and women, the following statistics are extremely alarming and should prompt you to take immediate action.

Understanding how Chiropractic Care can prevent heart disease for women in Tucker, GA is one of the first steps toward creating a healthier future.

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and is responsible for taking more lives than all combined forms of cancer.
  • 1 in 3 women dies of heart disease each minute, while 1 in 31 American women dies of breast cancer each year.
  • Heart disease kills one woman approximately every single minute.
  • Most women do not believe or know that heart disease is a serious threat.
  • Approximately 43 million American women are currently affected by some type of heart disease.
  • The number of women who die from heart disease has increased each year since 1984.
  • The symptoms of heart disease in women are often misunderstood, which is one of the reasons why so many suffer from the most severe associated consequences.

How To Prevent Heart Disease

There are a number of lifestyle habits and dietary adjustments that are possible for women who are interested in taking more control over the long-term health of their heart.

Review the following recommendations that help mitigate the risks associated with this devastating disease.

  • If you currently smoke cigarettes, quit as soon as possible.
  • Consider your age and genetic makeup.

Age and family history can significantly increase your chances of becoming susceptible to heart disease during your lifetime.

If your parents or near relatives have suffered from some type of related symptom(s), you will want to meet with a Chiropractic physician as soon as possible.

Doing so will allow your Chiropractor to perform particular tests that highlight your current condition, as well as get you setup with some type of treatment plan that prevents long-term harm from occurring.

  • Maintain healthy blood pressure.
  • Continuously monitor your cholesterol.
  • Eliminate trans fats from your diet and keep track of your daily calorie intake.
  • Find ways to stay relaxed and stress , as much as possible.
  • Get plenty of sleep each night.

If You’re A Female Over The Age of 35 and Live In Tucker, Make Sure You Visit Our Office

Scheduling your first appointment with one of our licensed Chiropractors is the first step toward taking control over your health and preventing Heart Disease from developing.

Your Chiropractor can monitor everything mentioned above and keep a running record of how you perform and feel as you continue to grow older.

They can also create a preventative treatment plan that is customized to meet your specific needs, the unique characteristics of your health, and your individual genetic makeup.

You can give us a call 24/7 at (404) 592-1186.


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